
Guide Archive

Are Luxury Trips Even Worth It?

The idea of a luxury tour might be exciting. You will feel wealthy even only for a few days during your trip. Of course, the issue is the amount that you’re going to spend to make it happen. If you have to spend a lot more than a regular trip, are luxury travels still worth

Why Small Towns in the US are Worth Seeing

Are you tired of visiting big cities in the United States? It might seem like you’ve run out of exciting destinations to visit. They also look the same wherever you go. Perhaps, it’s time to stop by small towns. You only pass through these areas and don’t necessarily intend to visit them. The truth is

Tips When Visiting Historical Sites

It is a great opportunity to see historical sites in person. If they look awesome in pictures, they’re even better in person. If you’re looking for places to visit, these historical sites must be on top of your list. Before you go there, you must remember a few tips. Get off your phone You don’t

Reasons for Visiting UNESCO Heritage Sites

UNESCO Heritage Sites are a treasure. These places were designated by UNESCO and are meant to be preserved. Seeing them in person can be mind-blowing. There are certain standards to consider before a site is designated the title. For instance, it must possess outstanding value to humanity. Some of them have been around for hundreds

Reasons for Traveling to Lichtenstein

You probably haven’t heard of Lichtenstein before. This small principality is sandwiched between Austria and Switzerland. Accessing the place is easy since there are trains that can take you there within a few minutes from Switzerland. Therefore, if you’re already traveling to Europe, you might as well squeeze in a day or two for Lichtenstein.

Tips When Visiting Religious Sites

Visiting religious sites can be exciting. It doesn’t matter if you follow a different religion or you don’t believe in one at all. You’re still in a historical location, and it’s worth the effort to be there. However, visiting these places comes with rules that may not be applicable to other tourist destinations. Hence, you

Tips When Using Credit Cards While Traveling

Using credit cards when traveling is convenient. You don’t have to carry lots of cash to spend during the trip. You also don’t have to find a currency converter in the area. However, you might also be tempted to spend a lot since you can barely feel the spending. Here are some tips to help

Tips When Traveling During Springtime

Many people love traveling during spring. It’s not as hot as summer, but it’s also not as cold as winter. It’s false to think that spring trips are only for college kids during their break. There are more things to do during spring that you can’t do during any other season. If you’re planning to

Tips When Sharing Your Travel Experience Online

Don’t hesitate to share your travel experience with other people. You’ve learned a lot by researching online. Pay it forward and share what you’ve learned during the trip. However, you must be cautious with what you say. These tips will help.  Be honest, but don’t be brutal You can share your experiences as they happened,