
Tips for Seniors Traveling Without a Companion

Solo Senior Travel

Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you can’t travel alone anymore. If you’re physically capable of doing it, nothing should stop you. There are tons of benefits in traveling. Don’t deprive yourself because you believe you’re too old to travel. When no one can accompany you, pursue the trip by yourself

Start with nearby locations

Perhaps, your biggest worry is you get sick while traveling. It’s easier to seek help when you travel in nearby destinations first. If everything went well, you can start planning a trip to more distant places. Test your independence and push yourself to do more. 

Join an organized trip

Join an organized trip

It’s safer to travel when you’re with other people. You won’t get lost when joining a group tour. Everything is arranged for you. The organizers will also remind you about what to bring and when to leave. It might be more expensive, but you will benefit from it. 

Seek accommodations

The good thing about traveling these days is you can ask for accommodations. When you need a wheelchair or an assistant upon deplaning, you can request for it. You may also request to be seated in a special seat for seniors when using public transportation. You don’t have to feel inconvenienced throughout the trip. 

Get comprehensive insurance

You will feel more confident about the trip with appropriate insurance. Make sure it covers the expenses when you get sick in another country. International insurance policies are more expensive, but they make it easier to travel abroad. Some packages even have repatriation coverage. 

Make friends with the locals 

Traveling offers the chance to meet with the locals and make friends. Use it to your advantage. There’s so much to learn when you travel. Talk to younger people and have a new perspective in life. 

Find ways to get a discount 

Given your age, you have discount options. Whether it’s for ticket purchase or hotel accommodations, use them to your advantage. You can have more frequent trips because you saved money from the last one.

Join a cruise

You will enjoy being in a cruise. Some options are even exclusive for seniors. It means that the amenities and facilities are suitable to you. There are also medical professionals on board. You won’t worry about safety when you’re on a cruise. As long as it’s a reliable choice, grab the chance. 

Inform your family members

While it’s a good idea to travel alone, you can’t do it without telling your family members. Let them know where you’re going and when you intend to go back. They will worry about your health and safety. If something wrong happens, they know whom to contact. 

Hopefully, you can pursue an exciting trip alone. If you succeeded in achieving your goal, plan another one. Learn from the previous trip and don’t commit the same mistakes. You might experience issues at first, but the experience improves along the way. Don’t let anything prevent you from having the time of your life.

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