
Don’t Just Travel Light, Travel Right! 5 Pointers for Proper Minimalist Travel

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Image courtesy of digitalart /

There are many reasons why you have to try to travel light For one, airlines encourage it—well, airlines compel travelers to do it through their strict limits on carry-on items and the expensive baggage fees. There are financial and mobility advantages in traveling light.

You’ve probably read or heard of many tips on how to travel light. However, are you sure you are doing it right? Don’t be misled by those online travel tips that don’t make sense.

Consider the following definitive pointers as your guide to light travel. These not intended for those who want to travel with just a carry-on bag. The focus here is practicality and aiming for the sensible advantages of traveling light.

1. The Ideal Baggage Size

Smaller is better only if you are able to fit everything you need in your baggage. There really isn’t any kind of ideal size. Different people and situations involve different needs. What matters is making everything compact enough to avoid excess weight and size. There’s no use trying to beat the carry-on weight limits at the airport if you just end up failing to take everything essential in your travel.

However, the following should help you find the right bag to bring with you:

  • Check for specific airline information on baggage dimensions and weight limits. This will help you decide on the right bag to buy or bring.

  • Look for a high quality bag made with light but durable materials.

  • Expandable bags are preferable.

  • Ideally, your bag should not be heavier than 10 lbs when empty..

  • Prefer bags with many pockets.

  • Make sure your bag has locks and choose a not-so-typical color so you can easily identify your bag.

Have a checklist of your needs for specific types of travel. There are many guides online that can offer you useful sample lists so you won’t forget packing the things you need. These lists can also help you in planning the packing of your things. It is always better if you plan the arrangement of your luggage instead of adding new items on top of what has already been packed because you belatedly remembered them.

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Image courtesy of mapichai /

2. Minimalism in Toiletries

Toiletries easily take up a lot of space in your bag if you decide to just carry them according to what you thought you need. You can still reduce them by bringing just enough of what you will be using in your travel. Transfer some of things you need like moisturizing lotions and sunblocks to small containers.

Shampoo? Soap? You probably don’t need to bring your own. The hotels usually supply them. If you really think you need to bring some, just get sachets. For toothpastes, sachets are advisable or you can transfer some to a smaller container. You may also be able to do the same for your contact lens cleaners, makeup, and essential beauty products.

3. The Right Clothes to Bring

As much as possible, bring light clothes with you. Choose those that don’t easily wrinkle. However, ascertain the climate in your destination. Obviously, you can’t travel to some cold location bringing only your light, sheer blouses and leaving your coats and jackets. Additionally, you have to consider clothes with a lot of pockets.

When it comes to the footwear, be sure you bring what you will be using for activities you will expect to do in your destination. It is advisable to use those you can easily fit your feet into to avoid inconveniences in case there will be inspections. Be sure to bring enough footwear. If you need those formal shoes, find ways to fit them in your baggage. They may not be very affordable in the place where you’re going.

4. Wearing the Heavy and Space-Consuming Apparel and Accessories In Transit

To avoid adding more weight to your luggage, wear the heavy things you need like the bulky shoes for your outdoor activities, hats or caps, jackets, and sweaters (if you’re going somewhere cold). If you have sunglasses or reading glasses, wear them and simply attach them to your shirt or put them inside your shirt pocket if you don’t need them.

5. Choosing Multifunction Devices

There are many devices you may need in your travel that are versatile enough to do various other functions. Your smartphone (if it’s a mid-range to high-range model), for example, is usually a good enough camera. You may not really need a laptop if you already have a tablet computer. If it’s an Android tablet, you can usually attach a USB keyboard to it to make writing or the inputting of numbers faster and easier.

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Image courtesy of photostock /

Don’t just focus on keeping everything light. Always put your essential needs as the top priority. It’s foolish to aim to travel with just a carry-on if you eventually have to spend a lot of money buying a lot of things you need in your destination. Always make sure to do it right as you aim to travel light.