
The Top Cities to Visit around the World

From small cities cut up by several blocks, to huge metropolises, there are so many destinations around the world that are made up of concrete and skyscrapers. Of course, that doesn’t mean that they’re all great to live in because many great cities can

The Top Forests Around the World

Forests are a marvelous piece of landscape. They can be deep and thick or thin and sparse; in both cases, they’re still beautiful things to walk through and watch. Of course, since we’re running out of heavily forested areas, a good woodland background is

The Top Sunsets Around the World

Ever since the first color cameras came out, photographers from all around the globe have tried to capture the beauty of a sunset. From the mountain tops to the lowest valley, sunsets are always a special thing, but there are places that hold more

A Few Global Hotspots for Photographers

Photographs are meant to convey many things. Firstly, the image and moment itself and how it looked under a certain kind of light. Secondly, they’re also meant to convey emotion and ambiance all within 1 frame. While all places have picturesque villas, riversides, and