Tours Archive

Visit Small Island Nations Once Travel Restrictions are Over
August 19, 2020
Given what’s happening right now, it seems like normal tourism won’t come back any time soon. There might be travel bubbles that allow citizens of some countries to travel within the same zone, but it’s nothing to what we used to have. We might need to endure the lack of a possible long-distance travel until

Why Should You Travel as Soon as the Restrictions are Gone?
August 15, 2020
You can’t wait until all restrictions are over so you can finally go to another country again. Although some restrictions have been eased, moving from one place to another is still challenging. Even if you’re allowed entry, a 14-day quarantine might still be necessary. Worse, you’ve lost your job as a result of these restrictions.

How to Stay Safe When Traveling in a Country That Suddenly Locks Down
August 12, 2020
It’s unfortunate if you got trapped in a different country as a tourist because it suddenly went on a lockdown. It means that flying in and out is difficult. The country shuts down the airports to prevent people from coming in. Your home country might also have the same policy. The recent pandemic caused these
Things to Do to Survive a Mandatory 14-Day Quarantine for Foreign Arrivals
August 8, 2020
Some countries already allowed foreign visitors provided that they submit themselves to a mandatory 14-day quarantine. It’s the best way to prevent the further spread of the virus. Most of these countries no longer have a local transmission. Therefore, they’re extra cautious in allowing anyone to get in. If you’re unwilling to submit yourself to

How to Support Local Tourism During the Pandemic
August 5, 2020
The pandemic that we’re facing led to the demise of several businesses. Unfortunately, a lot of them couldn’t hang on because they’re not earning anything at all. Businesses in the tourism industry were severely affected. Due to the closure of airports and tourist destinations, these companies have no source of income. Even huge airlines could

Reasons to Travel and Volunteer Abroad
July 27, 2020
Traveling to other countries can be fun. It’s even better when you go to developing nations to volunteer. You can still enjoy the places you’re going to visit, but you feel more satisfied. If you’re not yet convinced, these are the other reasons to give it a try. You will meet lifelong friends When you

Traveling After the Lockdown Period Wouldn’t be the Same
April 27, 2020
You couldn’t wait for this quarantine period to be over so you can finally book a flight, and go to your dream destinations. You even canceled some of your trips because there are no available flights. No one is in a mood to go on a trip these days considering all the lockdown policies in

Things You Need to Do if You Still Have to Travel Amid the Pandemic
April 13, 2020
Traveling these days has become way more difficult. Airports are mostly closed and a lot of airlines have canceled flights. Even if there are flights available, the requirements to board and land at your destination are way too difficult. If you still need to travel at this time, you might go through a lot to

Reasons Why Traveling After the Quarantine Period Would be Much Better
April 8, 2020
It might be frustrating when you have to stay at home and cancel your travel plans. You don’t even know when you can resume these plans. Social distancing guidelines are up wherever you go, with no end in sight. You waited for a long time to finally go on a trip, and you end up

Reasons for Traveling to Places that aren’t Close to Your Personality
April 6, 2020
It might seem weird for you to spend a lot of money to go on a trip to places you know you won’t enjoy. For instance, if you’re not an outdoorsy person, there’s no point to go on a mountain climbing trip. If you hate big cities, you will probably not have fun in New