Visit Small Island Nations Once Travel Restrictions are Over

Given what’s happening right now, it seems like normal tourism won’t come back any time soon. There might be travel bubbles that allow citizens of some countries to travel within the same zone, but it’s nothing to what we used to have. We might need to endure the lack of a possible long-distance travel until a vaccine is found. The risk of infection continues as long as there are active cases.
If there’s a silver lining out of what happened, it’s the fact that some small island nations were spared. Some of them didn’t even record any local case. Perhaps, the remote locations played a crucial role in preventing the virus from spreading. Another reason is that there are only a few visitors per year, and not too many of their citizens live elsewhere. While the virus has dramatically spread across large nations, the number is still safe for some small island countries. As such, these might be the first places you can visit when the restrictions are somehow eased.
These countries need you

Most of these places don’t have robust local resources. They rely mainly on foreign donations and tourism. Given that tourism is down, you can only imagine how difficult it is for the locals to survive right now. Visiting them for tourism purposes would revive the economy and benefit the people.
These places are even better
Several tourist destinations became cleaner and more enticing due to the lack of visitors over the past months. You will feel ecstatic seeing the changes. If you’ve been to some of these beaches before, going there again will surprise you. It’s even better for small islands that offered pristine beaches and other destinations even before the lockdown measures started around the world.
You will be safe from infections
While some countries are still battling the virus, these small nations already have things under control. It means that you won’t have to worry about getting infected. There’s also a smaller chance that people congregate in one area where there’s a greater risk of an infection. The population is already scarce to begin with. Don’t be too complacent
Even if you have a smaller risk of getting infected, it doesn’t mean you’re safe. You should still continue thinking about safety precautions. Listen to the news and updates from the government to know what’s going on. You should also follow proper hygiene, wear masks wherever you go, and regularly wash your hands. If you have connecting flights on a different country, you should be more cautious. Even without leaving the airport, you could still get infected if exposed to someone who tested positive.
If you’re planning to travel soon, you know what to prioritize. You’ve always wanted to visit some of these remote countries, and it has been very challenging. If you’re currently quarantining at home, you have more time to plan this trip. Use the opportunity wisely so that despite the challenges, you can pursue your planned trips soon.
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1st and featured image from
2nd image from