
cruise Archive

Caribbean Crusades: Sailing Through the Turquoise Waters of the Antilles

Traveling through the Caribbean Islands reveals a captivating tapestry of rich history and vibrant culture. From colonial influences of the Spanish, British, and French to the resilient spirit of indigenous peoples, every island shares a spirit invincible against a story fashioned out of centuries of conquests and cultural exchanges. Indulge in mouth-watering food, pulsate to

Cruise Safety Tips to Consider

The idea of being on a cruise might be exciting. It’s on your bucket list and you’re finally making it happen. You were held back by time and money in the past, but you’re now pursuing that dream. Before you get too excited, realize that there are safety concerns to consider. Here’s how you can

Tips for a Great Bahamas Cruise Trip

You might be looking forward to finally experiencing a cruise trip to the Bahamas. It’s a dream for many people. However, some cruise trips can turn into a nightmare if not planned well. Here are some tips to ensure your trip will be the dream turned into a reality. Choose the right cruise liner Everything

When is It Safe to Go on a Cruise Again?

It might just be an anecdote now, but when the coronavirus cases started to spread around the world, cruise liners were among the first to have an outbreak. It was so bad that the Diamond Princess Cruise even has its own tally of patients who tested positive next to other countries. Since then, the industry

Things to Do to Avoid Getting Ill on a Cruise Trip

Getting on a cruise can be exciting. For some people, it’s one of the activities on their bucket list. Considering all the amenities and services on a cruise, it’s definitely worth the try. It doesn’t even matter if getting a ticket would cost a lot of money.  Unfortunately, as we have seen in recent events,

Tips When Booking Your Dream Cruise Vacation

Everyone wants to try being in a cruise at least once in their lives. It is an activity that costs a lot of money, but the experience is totally unique. For a few days or even weeks, you will leave everything behind. You will join a trip where you get the chance to see the

4 Strategies to Afford an Expensive Cruise Trip

The moment you start thinking of cruises, you immediately say that this is just a dream that will never come true. Considering the high cost of joining cruises, it might be impossible for someone like you who can barely make ends meet, be in one. It is the kind of trip that is considered impractical.