Tips Archive

Have Fun and Be Merry in the Bustling City of Berlin
April 15, 2016
Berlin is the capital and largest city of Germany. It’s known for its fun and lively nightlife. There are several clubs where you could drink, dance, and be merry not just all night long, but even all day long. If you’re looking to have loads of great time, this is the place to be. After

Calgary is More Than Just a Business Center. Find Out What It Has to Offer
March 25, 2016
Calgary is the largest city in Alberta, which is a province in Canada. It’s the second city with the highest number of business headquarters in the country. However, this doesn’t mean that there’s nothing interesting to see here as there are a lot. From the jaw dropping view of the prairies and mountains, to the

Explore the Wilderness and Outdoor Beauty of Botswana
March 15, 2016
Botswana is a country in Southern African that’s mostly made up of flatlands. Majority of the Kalahari Desert can be found here. The country is most popular for its safari scene. If you want to enjoy the great wilderness, this is the best place to go to. It’s also rich in fascinating natural beauty. Botswana

Exploring the Most Unique State of New Orleans
March 11, 2016
New Orleans is called the “Most Unique State in the US”. This may be due to the fact that the various cultures present here including French, Vietnamese, German, Haitian, Irish, Caribbean, African-American and Creole. A strong influence of the European culture can be seen here since the city was established by the French colonists. Some
Money Saving Tips on Your Travel to Vietnam
February 26, 2016
Vietnam has a rich character and history because of its past. It has suffered from poverty, war, communism and colonialism but it survived all that and it’s now one of the most favorite destinations of tourists around the world. The busy streets of Hanoi that overflows with motorbikes, the amazing view of the limestone islands

Useful Guide for Your Trip to the City of Florence
February 23, 2016
Florence is one of the cities in Italy that attracts several tourists whole year round. If you’ve explored the beauty of Venice, which is surrounded by water, you can do a lot of walking in this city. Known as the birthing place of Renaissance, you’ll be immersed with its art and culture. What’s even better

Top Spring Destinations to Consider for This Coming Spring Break
February 19, 2016
Winter is almost over and many people are now planning the best spring destinations for their next trip. It’s one of the best times to travel because it’s spring break. Going on a holiday with the entire family or your friends is easier as the schedule is more convenient to work on. If you’re still

Credit Card Travel Perks That Not All Travelers May Be Aware Of
February 16, 2016
Familiarizing yourself with the credit card travel perks that your credit card company offers would help you in saving cash, as well as making things more convenient on your trip. Credit cards are often used in many transactions concerning travel including flight booking, hotel reservation and more. This is also a common payment method when

Enjoy the Chaotic City of Bangkok and Experience the Mix of New and Old Things That You Can Find
February 9, 2016
Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and it’s also the country’s largest city with a population reaching 11 million. This is a chaotic city with several people on the streets facing the hustle and bustle of the daily life. While it can be overwhelming at first, you’ll get to enjoy the business and it would

Enjoy the Baltic Sea Coastline and Beautiful Nature of Lithuania
February 5, 2016
Lithuania is located in Norther Europe and it’s part of the European Union and a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) since 2004. It’s becoming more and more popular because of its natural beauty, classic architecture and arts without shortage of modern things that other countries in Europe has to offer. Transportation is