
Travel Archive

To Plan or Not: What is the Best Way to Prepare for a Trip?

Preparing for a trip requires thorough planning. You need to book everything in advance to ensure that your trip will be smooth sailing. Although planning helps, some people would argue otherwise. They believe that planning will only increase problems and could potentially lead to the cancelation of the trip. However, unplanned trips are more spontaneous

Reasons for Visiting Antarctica Soon

You might have travelled across the various continents around the world. However, there is an elusive continent without any permanent resident that you are yet to visit- Antarctica. For a very long time, no one lived in this place. It was too hostile for people to live. Over the years, scientists tried living in the

Common Scams When Traveling and How to Avoid Them

There are people whose goal in life is to make easy money. Even if they have to deceive other people in the process, they won’t mind. If you are a tourist, and you don’t speak the local language, it is easy to get scammed. Therefore, you need to be careful when doing any transaction. Make

Crossing Land Borders Easily and Smoothly

There are different types of borders all over the world. Some of them are located in places you would never expect them to be. There are even exclaves and enclaves, complicating the entire border system. If you are flying from one port to another, getting your passport stamped is easy. The system seems organized and