
Tips Archive

Travel Goals You Need to Achieve Before You Die

There are places that are totally unique and will leave you breathless. These places are definitely worth visiting no matter what it takes. There are also activities that will challenge you to the extreme. You can only do so if you have the courage to try them out. These are travel goals that you definitely

Traveling Tips for a Newbie Traveller

A good preparation can either make or break the joy of traveling. With millions of people going through airport terminals, eating out, booking at hotels, and more, it is no wonder that any one of us at some point will either lose a luggage or probably get ourselves, our papers, or money get lost in

4 Practical Tips in Using Airbnb for Your Next Trip

Since it was launched, Airbnb has become a popular alternative to costly hotels. It is the preferred accommodation option for many, especially those who are traveling in huge groups. Instead of paying for hotel rooms, you are going to pay for a guest house instead. The price is way lower than the rate for hotel

A Guide in Visiting Heavily Censored Countries

You might want to challenge yourself by visiting countries that are under a very strict rule. It means that if you visit there, you might be under intense scrutiny. The government might have the ability to control what you search online and even block a lot of sites. Most people would rather avoid visiting these