Tips Archive

Travel Goals You Need to Achieve Before You Die
October 28, 2016
There are places that are totally unique and will leave you breathless. These places are definitely worth visiting no matter what it takes. There are also activities that will challenge you to the extreme. You can only do so if you have the courage to try them out. These are travel goals that you definitely

Traveling Tips for a Newbie Traveller
October 21, 2016
A good preparation can either make or break the joy of traveling. With millions of people going through airport terminals, eating out, booking at hotels, and more, it is no wonder that any one of us at some point will either lose a luggage or probably get ourselves, our papers, or money get lost in

Losing Essential Documents While Traveling Must Not Cause Panic
October 14, 2016
Your initial reaction as soon as you have realized that you have lost your traveling documents is to panic. This does not help though. Once you have found out that your documents are gone, the first thing to do is to calm down. Sit down and check your bags once more. The missing documents might

4 Practical Tips in Using Airbnb for Your Next Trip
October 3, 2016
Since it was launched, Airbnb has become a popular alternative to costly hotels. It is the preferred accommodation option for many, especially those who are traveling in huge groups. Instead of paying for hotel rooms, you are going to pay for a guest house instead. The price is way lower than the rate for hotel

You Need Not Cancel Your Vacation Plans During a Rainy Season
September 30, 2016
Most people love traveling during the summer. There are a lot of great destinations and the weather is perfect. Traveling during the rainy season on the other hand is quite difficult. You might have to keep changing your plans because the weather is unpredictable. There are places that you might not be able to visit

A Guide in Visiting Heavily Censored Countries
September 19, 2016
You might want to challenge yourself by visiting countries that are under a very strict rule. It means that if you visit there, you might be under intense scrutiny. The government might have the ability to control what you search online and even block a lot of sites. Most people would rather avoid visiting these

5 Places that Defy Explanation Which You Need to See to Believe
September 16, 2016
Are you one of those who love traveling to places that most people have never been to? If you are in search for places that defy explanations, then read on and you will most likely start packing your bags to travel to these places now. The Petrifying Well, North Yorkshire A well that turns everything

5 of the Best Natural Hot Springs You Need to Dip Your Body In Soon
September 12, 2016
You might have been to a lot of beaches in the past. It is time to shake things up and visit natural hot springs instead. The experience is definitely beyond compare. It is like feeling the heat of the earth on your body. Take note though that not all hot springs are for bathing. There

You Might Not Have Heard of Uzbekistan Before, but It’s a Good Place to Visit
September 9, 2016
If asked to pinpoint Uzbekistan on the map, you might not immediately spot where it is. You might not have even heard of it before. This relatively quiet Central Asian country has never been placed on the spotlight since its independence from the Soviet Union. It was on the news recently though for the death

Visiting the Hidden Jewel at the Heart of Southeast Asia- Laos
September 5, 2016
You might not have heard about the small Southeast Asian country, Laos, before. As it hosts the 2016 ASEAN Summit to be attended by leaders from around the world, Laos has finally been placed on the spotlight. With a population of roughly 7 million, this country shares borders with 5 other countries, including China, Vietnam,