Tips Archive

The 2020 Olympics Will Be in Tokyo. Get There First and Discover Its Beauty
August 29, 2016
The 2016 Rio Olympics is still going on, but you might be surprised to know that the host for the 2020 Olympics is already set. It will be in Tokyo, Japan. It is the first Asian country to host the Olympics more than once. It hosted the Olympics in 1964 and preparations are on underway

A Closer Look at the Fantastic Islands of Tonga
August 19, 2016
You might not have heard of Tonga before, up until the recent Rio Olympics opening when it was pushed to the spotlight. This is thanks in part to the greased hunky flag bearer of the country. Pita Taufatofua became an instant internet sensation after his unforgettable appearance. The truth is that there’s more to Tonga

Make Your Dream Cruise a Reality Without Spending a Lot
August 12, 2016
Everyone dreams of being on a cruise even just once. The only problem is that luxury cruises are extremely expensive. They are also always fully booked throughout the year. It does not mean though you have to give up on your dreams. You can still make it a reality if you know exactly what needs

Traveling with Pets is Possible if You Follow These Tips
July 29, 2016
There are a lot of animal lovers out there who treat their pets as if they were their own child. If you are one of them, then you probably understand the need to bring your pet with you wherever you go. Traveling with pets is not easy though. There are a lot of things that

Travel Now and Worry Later: This is How You Make It Happen
July 26, 2016
Isn’t it tiring to keep planning about your trips just to end up not being able to do it? You face tons of reasons for not pursuing the trip. It could be because of the schedule or the total expenses. You may also be confused on whether or not the trip is worth it. You

Are You a Music Lover? Here are the Best Places for You to Visit
July 22, 2016
As they say, music is the language of the soul. This is why traveling around the world to listen to the best sounds would most definitely enrich your soul. You may also visit the birthplace of different music genre and appreciate it even more. Whether you are a music lover or not, visit these places.

Breastfeeding While Travelling? Here are Expert Tips That Would Make It a Breeze
July 12, 2016
Being a full time breastfeeding mom and travelling don’t seem to go together right? With all the effort and most of the time, privacy you need in order to provide your baby the nutrition he needs, you would rather stay at home and give up the R&R brought about by travel. Yes, being a mom

Top Places to Witness the Spectacular Aurora Borealis or Norther Lights
May 6, 2016
One of the things that travelers may want to experience at one point in their life is to witness aurora borealis or northern lights. The spectacular dancing lights are caused by the collision of the sun’s charged particles entering the atmosphere of the earth. Most of the time, it shows a green color, although other

Bizarre but Beautiful: 5 of the Best Animal Festivals in the World for You to Visit
April 29, 2016
We usually hear stories of animals being mistreated and abused. Most of them were killed for food or for their parts that are used to create products like bags and belts. There are other animals that have been hunted to extinction. These are just sad stories we face on a daily basis. If you wish

This Year’s Summer is Hotter than Ever. Here’s How You Can Enjoy While Having a Vacation.
April 22, 2016
If you’re not a believer of global warming, then it is perhaps time for you to visit tropical countries and experience the heat. Due to their geographic location, these countries experience a hot weather all year round. It is just amplified during summer. This year though, summer is way hotter. In Bangkok, Jakarta and Manila